How To Wear Glasses After Rhinoplasty

When Can I Wear Glasses After Rhinoplasty? How Long? How to Wear?

Why I should not wear glasses after rhinoplasty?

After rhinoplasty, your surgeon may advise against wearing glasses or any accessory that puts pressure on your healing nose. Here is why you should avoid wearing glasses with nose pads after rhinoplasty:

  • Pressure on healing tissues: Rhinoplasty involves reshaping the bones and cartilage of the nose to achieve the desired aesthetic and functional results. After surgery, your nose will be delicate and sensitive as it heals. Wearing glasses with nose pads can put direct pressure on the surgical area, potentially causing discomfort, interfering with healing, or even affecting the final outcome of the procedure.
  • Altering the results: The pressure from glasses can cause the nasal tissues to shift, leading to unwanted changes in the shape or alignment of the nose. Since the healing process is ongoing, any distortion or displacement of the tissues might compromise the final aesthetic result.
  • Swelling and bruising: Rhinoplasty can lead to swelling and bruising around the eyes and nose. Wearing glasses with nose pads can exacerbate the swelling and potentially increase bruising in the area, prolonging the recovery period.


How to wear glasses after rhinoplasty?

Wearing glasses after rhinoplasty requires some care and consideration to avoid putting pressure on the healing nose. It is better to use alternative options during the early recovery. For example, if you need vision correction during the initial healing phase, consider using contact lenses, but if you really need to wear glasses after rhinoplasty, be careful with the followings:

– Attach the glasses to your forehead using a piece of tape or rhinoplasty glasses holder so that the weight of the glasses frame is not directly resting on your nose.
– When putting on and taking off your glasses, be gentle and avoid placing excessive pressure on the nose. Handle the glasses with care to prevent any trauma to the healing nasal tissues.
– If possible, take breaks from wearing glasses periodically, especially during the early stages of recovery.
– Pay attention to how your nose feels when wearing glasses. If you experience discomfort or pressure, remove the glasses and consult your surgeon.

Wearing Glasses After Rhinoplasty


When can I wear glasses after rhinoplasty?

how long after rhinoplasty can I wear glasses? The specific period for when you can safely wear glasses after rhinoplasty can vary based on individual healing rates and the extent of your surgery. As a general guideline, most surgeons recommend waiting at least 4 to 6 weeks before resuming the use of glasses. However, it’s crucial to note that this timeline may differ depending on your surgeon’s instructions and your unique healing progress.


Can I wear glasses 3 months after rhinoplasty?

Yes, wearing glasses three months after rhinoplasty is generally considered safe in most cases. By this time, the initial healing phase is usually complete, and your nose should have healed enough to tolerate the use of regular glasses with nose pads.
However, it’s essential to follow your surgeon’s specific post-operative care instructions and advice. They know the specifics of your surgery and can provide personalized guidance on when it is safe to start wearing glasses again.


Can I wear glasses 7 weeks after rhinoplasty?

It is generally recommended to avoid wearing glasses for at least 3 months after rhinoplasty (unless using the methods mentioned above to minimize pressure on the nose). However, if you wish to start wearing glasses earlier than the recommended 3-month period, it is crucial to consult with your surgeon first. Seeking their advice and approval is essential to prevent any potential damage or complications to the healing nose.


Will wearing glasses after rhinoplasty cause permanent damage?

Wearing glasses with heavy frames on your nose during the first and second months after rhinoplasty, before your nose bone has fully healed and formed, may potentially lead to changes in the shape of your nose. It is essential to exercise caution during this early healing period to avoid any undue pressure or manipulation of the delicate nasal tissues. Using light eyeglass frames or supporting the weight of the glasses on your forehead with the help of tape, as shown in the picture below, can be a safe alternative during the first and second months after rhinoplasty. By doing so, you can avoid putting direct pressure on the healing nasal tissues, reducing the risk of potential harm to your nose.

Wearing Eyeglasses After Nose Job

What kind of glasses to wear after rhinoplasty?

After rhinoplasty, it’s important to choose glasses that won’t put excessive pressure on the healing nose. Here are some types of glasses that you can consider wearing during the early stages of recovery:

  • Lightweight glasses: Opt for lightweight frames that won’t add unnecessary pressure to your nose. Lighter materials like titanium or plastic can be more comfortable during the healing process.
  • No nose pad glasses: Look for glasses without nose pads, as they won’t rest directly on the healing nasal bridge, reducing the risk of discomfort or potential shape alterations.
  • Glasses with a forehead rest: Some glasses come with a small forehead rest or cushion, allowing them to rest on your forehead rather than your nose. These can be a good option to avoid contact with the surgical area.
  • Oversized or wide frames: Choose glasses with wider frames that distribute the weight more evenly and reduce pressure on the nose.
  • Contact lenses: If you are comfortable wearing them, contact lenses can be an excellent alternative during the early recovery phase, eliminating the need for glasses on your nose altogether.

Remember to consult with your surgeon before making any decisions on wearing glasses after rhinoplasty. They will be able to provide personalized recommendations based on your specific procedure and healing progress.


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